Current Positions:
Executive Consultant and Advisor, Georgetown Planning Institute
Senior Consultant and Advisor, Business Strategy, Policy & Governance, Corporate Development, & Transformation, AT&T
• AT&T: Senior Consultant and Advisor, Business Strategy, Corporate Development, & Transformation
• GPI: Advisor to: US Govt & Dept of Defense, OUSD(I), DCSA, DDI(I&S), Tech Startups, US Senate Commerce Committee, & House Energy & Commerce Committee, National Academy of Science, Congressional OTA (Office of Technology Assessment), Consortium of Midwest Governors
• AT&T Vice-President of $12B Industry Markets organization, responsible for constructing core network solutions for AT&T's burgeoning Wireless business and Industry Data markets, as well as serving exploding CLEC demands. He also had all federal & state Regulatory Policy responsibility for core infrastructure solutions
• AT&T Bell Labs & Strategic Marketing: Program Manager of the Compass Program, an international telecom consortium that built a "Living Laboratory spanning 14 states piloting network and application solution from: AT&T, NEC, Fujitsu, Siemens, Northern Telecom and others" - Bob Stoffels Editor of America's Network Magazine feature story "The Compass to Our Future".
• Bell Labs Advanced Technology & Strategic Marketing Organization - western office, with 5 advanced development labs in CO, IL, NJ, & the Netherlands
• Heldman, Competitive Telecommunications, (New York, McGraw-Hill, 1997)
• 3Part Cover story series: Heldman, "Have we Blow It?", America's Network, (January 1, 1998) pp. 10-12
• Heldman, Information Haves & Have-nots 1999: Paper presented by Governor Bill Janklow, South Dakota, to US Department of Commerce
• Co-Author & Editor:
o Heldman, The Telecommunications Information Millennium, (New York, McGraw-Hill, 1995)
Industry Speaker & University Lecturer:
• MIT, Duke, University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin
• Telecom (UN Communications Conference), SuperCom, among others
Education: Heldman has an BS in Engineering from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from Georgetown University.